Quest Swimming

Novice Groups

We are dedicated to TEACHING the Art of Swimming and PERFECTING the Game of Racing!!

This level is determined to start young swimmers into the sport of competitive swimming while allowing maximum opportunity to participate in other activities and sports.


We offer three NOVICE training groups:

Novice Green, Novice Orange, and Novice Blue.

Our primary Novice coaches are Chrissie Callis and Carrie Wilson

Novice Green

Novice Green trains at the Deer Run facility. The emphasis is on teaching the fundamentals of the four competitive strokes by means of perfect swimming for neurological imprinting. Swimming is "kick dominant" for support. Putting hips in the right place at the right time is emphasized. "Feel for the water" is developed. Racing and games are used for fun. Starts and turns are introduced.

Novice Green practice schedule: 2-3 practices are recommended per week

Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 5:45 - 6:30pm

Tuesday & Thursday AM: 7:15 - 8:00am (option for elementary & middle school students to provide more flexibility)


Monday & Friday: 5:15 - 5:40pm

Novice Orange

Novice Orange also trains at the Deer Run facility. The emphasis is a continuance of repeating proper fundamentals. Proficiency in starts, turns, and the four competitive strokes is stressed. Use of a pace clock is introduced to athletes.

Novice Orange practice schedule: 2-4 practices are recommended per week

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 5:45-6:45pm 

Tuesday/Thursday AM: 7:00 - 8:00am (option for elementary & middle school students to provide more flexibility)


Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 5:15 - 5:40pm

Novice Blue

Novice Blue also trains at the Deer Run facility, too. Skills are beginning to be well defined at this level of development. Elements or training begin to be introduced as swimmers begin to master the use of a pace clock at this stage; that is, they can leave on intervals of time and often know the times that they have achieved in the practice sets. Fundamentals remain the highest priority but this group is a transition towards Age Group swimming.

Novice Blue practice schedule: 3-5 practices are recommended per week

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 6:45 - 8:00PM

Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30 - 7:45PM

Saturday: 9:45 - 11:15am

Monday & Friday AM: 6:45 - 8:00am (option for elementary & middle school students to provide more flexibility)



Monday & Wednesday: 6:15 - 6:45PM

Saturday: 9:10 - 9:40am

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